Nick Wildgoose CEO Supplien Consulting

Nick is a qualified accountant, supply chain and risk professional and has held a variety of global financial, procurement and commercial positions in several industry sectors. Working for companies such as PWC, Linde Group, The Virgin Group, Zurich Insurance Group and DHL Resilience360.

He has served on the Board of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply which is the biggest procurement professional body in the world with over 100,000 members. He also served as a specialist advisor to the World Economic Forum on the topic of systemic supply chain risk and was Chairman of the Supply Chain Risk Leadership Council and still serves on their Board. He has spoken and written extensively on supply chain management. He also worked as a Board member of the ICAEW Business and Management Faculty for 10 years, supporting members working in industry.

From 2008 he led the development and rollout of innovative and multi award winning supply chain risk products for Zurich Insurance Group, which gave him the opportunity to interact with many global companies and help them address the real risk issues they are facing in terms of their supply chains and driving business performance.

Over the last two years he has been working with DHL Resiliece360 and several other software companies in supporting their customer solutions in terms of the use data, AI, and technology. He worked as the senior advisor for the Institute of Risk Management in the development of their new Supply Chain Risk Management certificate training launched in 2020 and is now the module coach. He is also the supply chain advisor to the University of Cambridge Judge Business School Centre for Risk Studies.

He combines this with acting as a Director at Procurement Advantage who bring innovative and value adding procurement to UK based SME’s, often under PE ownership.